- Author: Author Tyler Cowen
- Date: 15 Jun 2012
- Publisher: Worth Publishers
- Original Languages: English
- Format: Book::794 pages, ePub
- ISBN10: 1464111855
- File name: Modern-Principles-of-Economics-(Loose-Leaf)-&-Portal-Access-Card.pdf
- Dimension: 211x 277x 30mm::1,860g Download Link: Modern Principles of Economics (Loose Leaf) & Portal Access Card
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Amazon Price AAHOA Treasurer Vinay Patel Speaks Reality Economics! November 27, 2019 Read more Watch Video Go to Video. Video. Chris Green and Glenn from Modern Principles of Microeconomics (Loose Leaf), Portal Access Card (6 Month), & College Cartoon for Introduction to Economics (Volume 1); Cowen, Tyler; Worth Publishers, Worth Publishers Modern Principles of Microeconomics (Loose Leaf), Study Guide & Aplia 1 Semester Access Card; Cowen, Tyler;Worth Publishers, Worth Publishers Engaging authors, unbiased presentations of essential ideas, and a knack for revealing the 'invisible hand' of economics at work inform the thoroughly updated new edition of Modern Principles, drawing on a wealth of captivating applications to show readers how economics shed light on business, politics, world affairs, and everyday life. 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